Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Old School. Really, Really, OLDE School.

What be this "web 2.0" of which my esteemed colleagues speak? Is it akin to a hand loom or a butter churn? Doth it burn wood for fuel? I know not even if it be animal, vegetable, or mineral. Can it be seen with the human eye? Or might it exist in the province of magick? Hath our Holy Father endorsed the use of "web 2.0" for all believers? Is its span many cubits? If so, mayhaps it resembles the thick castle walls that protect us from the fury of the Norsemen. Conversely, might "web 2.0" fit in one of the small ink wells on my desk?

It is with a mixture of dread and excitement I ponder these questions in the gathering gloom. I anticipate much learning of this thing will flow in the days to come. But for now I must go--darkness falls fast here in the scriptorium, and my candles are almost spent. Rest ye well, fellow acolytes, and I pray to find that this "web 2.0" is used only for the Goode.